Dive into organizational leadership, human services, or human relations.
Join us in critically analyzing a range of social justice issues from a leader’s perspective
的 Master of Science in Organizational 领导 (MSOL) program at St. 365比分网电竞 prepares students to confidently and skillfully enact positive, organizational change — a crucial competency in today’s fast-paced companies and organizations. Students will understand leadership from the individual, 集团, organizational and global perspectives, allowing them to facilitate change across diverse teams in the workplace.
的 Master of Science in Organizational 领导 (MSOL) offers two options:
- 领导 & 改变浓度: Explore contemporary issues in leadership & change, including how to execute change in many different types of organizations and environments.
- 人类发展重点: Learn the impact of mental health issues common in education, 跨文化问题/策略, and how data analytics drives educational outcomes
“变化是地方性的。. 我们每天都在生活. 领导 skills are needed in every type and sector of every organization.” - TOM SECHREST博士,项目主管
度计划 & 课程
的 curriculum consists of ten courses for a total of 30 credit hours. Seven of the courses are core classes, then students choose one concentration for the remaining three courses.
- 领导的基础 & 形成
- 原则 & 组织变革实践
- 领导者的数据分析
- 成为战略领导者
- 文化 & 重要的调查
- 领导 & 社会正义
- 冲突分析 & 决议
领导 & 改变专注课程
- 执行战略变革
- 当代领导力问题 & 改变
- 宣传 & 组织的包容性
- 成人的人类发展
- Human Development Services for Adults
- 宣传 & 组织的包容性
学习目标 & 职业生涯的结果
After completing the online Master of Science in Organizational 领导 program, 您将能够:
- Demonstrate the ability to examine leadership issues from the vantage of the whole system to clarify purpose, align resources and mobilize change toward a preferred and sustainable future.
- 应用 mindful leadership in order to help change efforts be more adaptable, 有弹性的, 创业, 有创意的, 合乎道德及可持续发展.
- Identify key issues in complex change efforts and then formulate appropriate interventions to achieve desired results.
- Take appropriate and grounded leadership actions that integrate individual and collective learning about change efforts, helping to collaboratively achieve transformational results consistent with an organization’s mission and values.
- Effectively communicate strategic direction, intent, and process.
Dr. 汤姆Sechrest博士, 项目负责人, 带来丰富的经验, connections both locally and globally, and ties to many professional organizations, including the International 领导 Association, the Academy for Human Resource Development, the Association for Practical and 职业道德, 以及Phi Kappa Phi荣誉协会.
"I teach to be a role model of lifelong learning, the joy of knowledge and the multiple perspectives necessary in our interconnected world.——汤姆Sechrest博士
We require applicants for the Online Master of Science in Organizational 领导 to hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university. Review application steps and requirements, as well as important dates:
问题? 请求的信息 或拨打512.326.7501了解更多.
Are you interested in learning more about the Online Master of Science in Organizational 领导? 请填写这张表格或拨打512.326.进行下一步.
的 Master of Science in Organizational 领导 (MSOL) prepares graduates to become intelligent, 道德, supportive leaders in a variety of roles, 组织和行业. 项目负责人 汤姆Sechrest 这解释了为什么. 365比分网电竞 graduate program prepares leaders to thrive and make positive organizational impact.